森美術館 ワークショップ「視覚のない国をデザインしよう」
June, 2016
Mori Art Museum, Roppongi, Tokyo, JAPAN
森美術館 ワークショップ「視覚のない国をデザインしよう」
June, 2016
Mori Art Museum, Roppongi, Tokyo, JAPAN
Mori Art Museum Workshop "Designing a Country without Sight"
If a country existed composed only of the blind, what would it be like? Adopting this fictional approach, participants challenged to come up with new ideas to shake up the society we take for granted. What kind of houses would the inhabitants live in? What would be the national dish? The country's symbol? Its law? Means of communication? And assuming there would be art, what form would it take? All participants encouraged to voice their ideas, which experts then took and converted into tangible form as models and samples.
Keizaburo Honda from Leif.designpark served as an adviser on theme "Product", proposed a shirt specialized in pockets and a chair at the final presentation.
Leader: Asa Ito (Associate professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Venue: Roppongi Hills; Auditorium, Mori Art Museum (53F, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower)
Organizers: Mori Art Museum, Mori Buildinf Co., Ltd.
Cooperation: Art Viewing Worksho@ with Sight and Unsighted
photo 1,2,4,6 :
Mori Art Museum, Roppongi Hills
Workshop "Designing a CountryKeizaburo without Sight"
photo by Shinichiro Mikuriya
images provided by Mori Art Museum
目の見えない人だけで構成される国があったとしたら、それはどんな国か? ——そんな仮定の設定にたつことで、私たちが当たり前だと思っている社会のあり方を揺さぶるような新しいアイディアを発掘します。住民たちはどんな家に住んでいるのか? この国の名物料理は? 国のシンボルは? 法律は? コミュニケーション手段は? そしてアートがあるとすればそれはどんな形なのか? 参加者全員で自由にアイディアを出し合い、それを専門家たちが実際に模型やサンプルなどの形で具現化するワークショップです。
出演:伊藤亜紗(東京工業大学 准教授)
・ワークショップ「視覚のない国をデザインしよう」スペシャル動画(ダイジェスト)/ Workshop “Designing a Country without Sight” Special movie