Bakery & Cafe Le miel Palace Heian
January, 2019
Sendai, Miyagi, JAPAN
Bakery & Cafe Le miel Palace Heian
January, 2019
Sendai, Miyagi, JAPAN
Designed and created furniture, display utensils and art works for "Bakery & Cafe Le miel", a cafe and eat-in bakery on the 2nd floor of the wedding center "Palace Heian” in Sendai city.
The space with the art work full of green and the combination of wood and steel frame furniture gives warm and relaxing atmosphere to welcome visitors.
principle use: bakery cafe
total floor area: 71㎡
photo 1-4: Kazuhiro Numasaki (B-T Photography)
仙台駅前にある結婚式場、Palace Heianの2Fスペースのイートインもできるベーカリーカフェ「Bakery & Cafe Le miel Palace Heian」に家具/什器/アートワークを納めました。